21 July 2017

some garden food

I have been neglecting the garden. For a while couldn't do much out there, and now that my doctor has given permission to get my hands dirty again, it's so hot I don't want to be out there. Just a few hours after dawn and at dusk when the temperatures are cooler. So production is not at best. I am still using herbs a lot, and starting to pick cherry tomatoes now and then.

The other day I pulled a bunch of carrots and steamed them. Very good! No more of that odd faintly soapy aftertaste I used to get with carrots. I wonder if it is companion planting with tomatoes that made the difference.
Green beans are pathetic again- this is all I got off all the plants. They look peaky from insect damage- leaf hoppers from what I can tell. But steady watering has got a new burst of flowers, so I am hoping for more in a little while.

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