28 March 2016

new plants!

I made a wonderful discovery. There is a local grower not ten minutes from my house. It's not a big box place and they don't advertise, I only found it because a friend mentioned it a few years ago and I finally drove down the small side street that turns into a dirt road to look for myself. The exterior is a plain, modest building with ten greenhouses flanking it. I stepped inside and wow. The plants were gorgeous. I was agog at a giant decades-year old staghorn fern hanging from the ceiling in the first greenhouse. I perused all the buildings and made a solid selection- all for the yard, to start filling in our blank spaces. Most of the plants I got are perennials, a few annuals which are waiting in my coldframe house for the last frost date to pass.
Here's the lot of them! I found quite a few varieties I've always wanted, and more I've read about on other garden blogs and had earmarked for consideration in my yard. Others I picked out just because the foliage was so pretty and the light requirements seem to match what we've got (mostly part shade in our backyard) so I thought to give them a try.

I haven't had time to write up their individual details (for my own later reference) but will do that soon, here.

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