28 August 2014

fish report

Temp to 84° this morning. If the fishes still look ok by evening I will bump it to 86°. Water change this morning- 30% (with a half dose of liquid plant food added back in) as I tried to do a thorough gravel vac- not too deep though but over all the surface. Removed airline from one sponge filter, so now just the second one bubbles. While I was in there with lower water level, trimmed a few dying leaves from java fern, crypt and stems off the aponogeton. Moved the baby crypts a short distance from the second plant, and pulled that one closer to the edge of the "cave" formed by the driftwood- it was looking crowded, maybe that's why not growing as well. I was pleased to see the little crypts- there's three- have nice, long white roots. So at least one kind of plant in there is happy!
The watesprite on the other hand, is dying back a lot but at the same time new foliage coming up on every plant. I've seen the small snails on the browning foliage at night, eating the dead parts. One piece broke loose from the gravel and I just let it float. Maybe this one will do better floating, it does for some aquarists. I have the better light for it now. Incidentally, that's Marvin on the glass- you can see his mouth. My nine-year-old insisted on naming the nerite snails. The one in my smaller tank is Mavis. Some people call these tomato snails.
The fishes- well, none have died yet. The barbs are kind of hanging in the water, not as active. I didn't see any platies flash today, a few spots visible on the barbs and to my dismay Pinkie has quite a few as well- three or four on his side, two on the tail.
I have added a low dose of aquarium salt- just 5 tsp into the 20 gallons- will keep an eye on the loaches and if they seem okay tomorrow, I'll add another fraction.


Unknown said...

How big is your aquarium?

Jeane said...

twenty gallons

Unknown said...

I think one of the reasons your fish keep getting sick is because you are overstocked ( you might want to call some local fish shops sometimes they take unwanted fish )

Jeane said...

I have 15 fish plus some snails, in a 20-long. They won't grow to more than 2.5 inches apiece, as far as I know. How many do you think I should get rid of?

Unknown said...

I have 10 so probably around 5 (it could give an excuse to get another aquarium if you wanted)

Jeane said...

No no, not looking to get another aquarium! In fact, long-term I want to have just one aquarium, but a larger one for angelfish. Probably in a few years, after these fishes have lived out their lifespan, and I have got enough experience to take better care of them.