18 March 2013

signs of spring!

The other morning I heard a robin chirping for the first time. It's been cardinals and other common birds I don't recognize individually (by their voices) all winter but the familiar note of the robin ushers in the new season for me. It always seems like something I have forgotten what it sounded like all winter, until I hear it again and realize: oh! I know that sound. That lovely sound of spring.

And of course, things are starting to grow again. My daughter's Apple tree is putting out its first new leaves.
Of all the plants that overwintered in pots, the Chives are springing back quickest!
I wrote this post yesterday, and this morning there is light snowfall again. Plants pulled back off the balcony edge and tucked under their "blanket" of burlap. My daughter said with despair "it's snowing! that means spring isn't coming yet." And I reminded her of all the trees with fat buds or new leaves, the drifts of purple crocus, the daffodils and daylilies pushing up out of the ground. Even tulips are growing, I've seen them. So spring is well on the way, not to be halted by a freak late snowfall.

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