24 February 2013


I moved the one remaining Curry Plant cutting from its sheltered spot in the little corner windowsill, to the main window, thinking it needed more light. Either the increase in sunshine was too much for it, or the extra attention it gets being more in view causes me to forget and overwater it. Whatever the reason, it's wilting now.
The funny thing is that this plant sits near my toddler's spot at the kitchen table, and now she will often point to the little plant and say "P'ant sad. Cry." She always looks concerned when she makes this statement, too. I've often heard her say "p'ant happy" and never was sure if she said this because she thinks the plants are happy, or because she knows plants make me happy. I've probably said "this is a happy plant" once or twice, so perhaps she's mimicking that. But I never expected her to attribute sadness to a plant. She recognizes both that the plant is not in good condition, behaving opposite to the others around it, and also attributes an emotion to the shape of its dismay.


chrisa511 said...

Oh I think you have a little gardener in the making on your hands :) With a natural green thumb!! Though I am sorry to hear about your plant :(

Jeane said...

It does look pretty pathetic.