07 October 2011

indoors or out?

I've never put my houseplants outside for the summer. Herbs in pots, yes, houseplants no. I tried it once with an Avocado and the thing went into shock. But I noticed that my corn-plant Dracanea seems happier in the direct sun of the mudroom
and then I noticed that my neighbor across the street (from whom I got the mints) has a tall corn-plant which she puts outside all summer long. If hers is happy, mine would be too? I'm just worried about it picking up bugs, which I wouldn't want to bring back indoors. Maybe next year I'll try it.

The other Dracanea (dragon-tree) I don't quite know what to do with. It seems a bit better since being repotted, but is dropping more lower leaves again. I just can't seem to make it happy. Maybe it wants more sun, too.

1 comment:

Merlin said...

I've heard these dragons like to remain in caves.... :P Meaning that they don't much like direct sunlight and prefer darker corners with very little filtered light. Mine hasn't dropped leaves for quite a while since putting it into said environment and is growing like CRAZY! Hope that helps.