22 May 2009


The slug and pill bug population seems to be under control now- I get a good amount of them in the beer traps each night, and since the slugs are attracted to the beer odor, those that don't drown in it, hide under the dishes before dawn- so I get them all at once. Hardly find any slugs under boards any more. But something is still eating the young G Bean and Cuke plants- even when they're covered. I think it's ants- that's all I find crawling around there and drowned in the beer. So read up on ant repellant and dug coffee grounds into the soil around them, then sprinkled a ring of cinnamon mixed w/red pepper powder and ground cloves. Watched the crawling ants approach the ring and turn right around.

Thrilled to find Cherry Tomato seedlings poking up out of the ground! Cleared the weeds from that plot, and sprinkled some ant-repellant mixture around them, just in case (although nothing seems to be bothering the other Tomato seedlings).

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